2 Data for this manual
We are using three data sets from the Mid-Atlantic Coastal Plain (MACP). An analysis with these data is described in a paper by McMullin et al. (2019). The data sets are available as CSV files on Brightspace and are as described briefly below.
MACPsites.csv: a database of site attributes (215 rows; 1 row per site). Attributes are coded as
- ER: Ecoregion name
- VEG: Vegetation type
- PPT: Average annual precipitation (in mm)
- TEMP: Average annual temperature (in degrees Celsius)
- ELEV: Elevation above sea level (in m)
MACPspp.csv: a species by site matrix. Sites are in rows (215 rows; 1 row per site) and species are columns (599). Full names of species associated with each code are in the Supplemental material to the McMullin RT (2019) paper.
MACPtraits.csv: a species by traits matrix. Species are rows (599 rows; 1 row per species) with 4 columns of trait categories. Traits are
- Photobiont: indicates which algae or cyanobacteria is the photobiont partner for that lichen
- Reproductive.Mode: indicates how the lichen reproduceds
- Reproductive.Structure: indicates what kind of reprodcutive structure(s) that species has
- Substrate: indicates what kind of substrate this species is usually found on. These are somewhat technical terms that refer to substrates like soil, trees, rocks, dead wood, fungi or other lichens.